Traveler Jokes - Page 1

Sandbox Time Traveler ⏳

I tried time traveling in The Sandbox, but I just kept “restarting”! ⏰

Ethereum and the Time Traveler:

"Ethereum, if you could travel to the future, what would you want to see?"
"I’d love to see ETH 3.0! A blockchain with zero gas fees and infinite scalability!"
"And what if you went back to the past?"
"I’d go to the early days, when gas fees were cheap and everyone believed in the ‘blockchain dream’!"
"That sounds like a time well spent!"
"It would be, but I’d still need an upgrade!" ⏳

The Squid Game Time Traveler

A time traveler from the future arrives at the Squid Game. He says, “I’ve seen the future… and trust me, you’ll want to avoid NFTs in 2045.” Everyone laughs, until he adds, "Also, Bitcoin's going to become a meme currency." The crowd gasps in horror.

Hamster | The Crypto Time Traveler 🕰️🐹

Hamster: "I bought Bitcoin back in 2011!"
Trader: "Wow, that's amazing!"
Hamster: "Yeah, I sold it in 2012."
Trader: "So, you’re not a millionaire?"
Hamster: "No, but I have amazing stories!"

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crypto hamster time ethereum game squid sandbox
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