Also me: Takes a loan to buy the dip.
Ah, the classic crypto investor dilemma: You start out with the best intentions. “Just $100. That’s it! I’m a responsible investor, I swear!” But then… the dip calls your name like a siren song, whispering promises of riches and fast Lamborghini purchases. Suddenly, that $100 doesn’t feel like enough. Maybe if you borrow a little more, just to grab those juicy discounts on Bitcoin? “I’ll pay it back when the market recovers!” you convince yourself, knowing full well you’ll be checking the price every 5 minutes like it’s your first love.
Fast forward a few hours… the dip turns into a sinkhole, and now you’ve got a loan, a portfolio in the red, and a suspicious feeling that the only thing ‘crypto’ has really been good at is draining your wallet. But hey, at least you can tell people you’re “all-in” on crypto, right?
Lesson learned? Maybe. Will it stop you next time? Probably not. Welcome to the world of crypto!