Running Jokes - Page 1

My neighbors think I’m running a factory. 🏭

I told them, “Just a crypto factory!” 💻

StepN | Running Out of Love

Boyfriend: "I’m almost at the top of the StepN leaderboard!"

Girlfriend: "While you’re climbing that, someone else is winning my heart."

Boyfriend: "What are you talking about?"

Girlfriend: "Alex. He doesn’t walk to earn. He walks to be with me."

Boyfriend: "You can’t be serious."

Girlfriend: "Serious enough to end this. Enjoy your leaderboard." 🏃‍♂️💔

StepN | Running away from reality

Friend 1: "I just leveled up my StepN shoes! It cost me $200, but now I’ll earn more!"

Friend 2: "And how long will it take to recover that $200?"

Friend 1: "About a year, but hey, at least I’m exercising!"

Friend 2: "Exercising your patience, I see." 🏃‍♀️⏳

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