Stay Jokes - Page 1

How do ZK-Rollups stay so cool? ❄️

They compress stress and stay gas-efficient! 💨

How do ZK-Rollups stay so organized?

They roll with it, compress everything, and prove they’re worth it!

Ethereum 2.0 launched, and she stayed with him

Boy: "Ethereum 2.0 is a whole new level, did you see?"

Girl: "I saw how your crypto portfolio keeps falling."

Boy: "But Ethereum 2.0 is the future!"

Girl: "Exactly. Just like your promises to become a millionaire. Expected in 2030." 🕰️📉

Cryptos: how to stay one step ahead!

Investor 1: "Did you invest in the new token?"

Investor 2: "Of course! I’m already one step ahead of the market!"

Investor 1: "Did you manage to check its price?"

Investor 2: "No, but I know for sure I’ll regret it if I don’t invest!" 😂📉

How to stay calm in the crypto world!" Investor 1:

Investor 1: "I don’t even know what to think about cryptocurrency — everything is going up and down!"

Investor 2: "The key is not to panic! Like driving a manual car: just grip the wheel tighter!" 🚗💨

Investor 1: "What if I break the gearbox?"

Investor 2: "Well, then we’ll just change the strategy!" 😂

I Came for the Gains, Stayed for the Drops

I entered the crypto world for the massive gains.
But now I stay for the dips, because they’re the only thing that seem familiar.
I guess I’m in it for the rollercoaster ride now.

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