A Splinterlands player drank 5 energy potions and said, “I’m ready for 10 battles in a row!” 5 minutes later: “I’m exhausted, send help.” ⚡
A Splinterlands player ran out of energy again.
“Maybe I should just invest in solar power.” ☀️
A Splinterlands player ran out of energy. Their monster said, “Guess I’ll just nap now.” 😴
The God of Thunder started selling energy drinks called “Bolt Boost.” ⚡
"Why does Ethereum always go for a heavy workout?"
"Because it’s always proof-of-staking its energy!"
"Does it build muscle?"
"Absolutely! Every time Ethereum gets stronger, it just scales more!"
"Must be a great workout program!"
"Yeah, but I think it should start with a lighter gas fee!" 🏋️