A Splinterlands monster tried a new diet. “I only eat cards with mana under 3.” 🥗
Why did the Splinterlands monster go vegan? It wanted to avoid “beef” with other players. 🥦
I started a diet in Decentraland…
But the only food I could find was “virtual snacks”! 🍩
"Did you hear about Ethereum’s new diet?"
"Is it trying to lose weight?"
"Yes! It's trying to cut back on gas fees!"
"Is it working?"
"Not yet... it's still gassy!"
"Maybe it should try a low-fee diet!"
"Now, that’s the way to go!" 🍏
Hamster: "What’s for dinner tonight?"
Trader: "The same as every night. Hopium and dreams."
I’m on an NFT diet.
I’ve lost a lot of weight, but gained even more losses. 🍽️🖼️
I’m on the Ethereum diet.
I lost a lot of weight… but only in gas fees. ⛽🍔
My portfolio’s in a bear market,
So now I’m eating ramen to survive. 🐻🍜
I’m on a crypto diet.
Only eating when my portfolio is in the green. 🥗📈
Why do crypto traders skip breakfast?
They’re already full of “bear” markets. 🐻🍽️