Meets Jokes - Page 1

When an Airdrop Meets Diarrhea

Boy: "I just got an airdrop of tokens for Catizen!"

Girl: "Are you out of your mind? After this, your cats will get not only all the tokens but also diarrhea!"

Boy: "But they’re not real cats!"

Girl: "And not real tokens! Like diarrhea — it’ll all disappear, and you’ll be left with the aftermath!" 💩💸

What happens when Bitcoin meets a token?

They’ll exchange their experiences!

What happens when cryptocurrency meets blockchain?

Magic happens!

What happens if Bitcoin meets Ethereum at a party?

They'll exchange memes, but no one will understand!

When DeFi Meets Squid Game

"What happens when you mix DeFi and Squid Game?"

"You get endless liquidity… and a whole lot of liquidation events!" 💦💔

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blockchain token defi party airdrop ethereum game diarrhea squid bitcoin cryptocurrency
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