Boy: "I sold my land in Upland, now I’m a millionaire!"
Girl: "Only if you hold back your urges, or diarrhea might bankrupt you!"
Boy: "You don’t get it, I earned!"
Girl: "You earned, but your stomach took everything you had!" 💩💵
Boy: "I bought land in Upland, now I have property in one of the most prestigious areas!"
Girl: "That’s cool, but are you sure your digestive system will survive this deal?"
Boy: "Of course, now I have money, I can handle everything!"
Girl: "I’m not sure you’ll be able to control your finances if diarrhea ruins everything!" 💩💰
Boy: "I invested in Upland and now I can cash out money!"
Girl: "Don’t you think you’re risking more than if you went on vacation with diarrhea?"
Boy: "I hope it’ll pay off!"
Girl: "I hope you’re not the first one to exit the game while sitting on the toilet." 💩🎲
Boy: "I’m so happy! I sold some assets in Upland for good money!"
Girl: "You’re happy? After your stomach could fail at any moment?"
Boy: "Well, yeah, but at least I cashed out a profit!"
Girl: "You’d better cash out your stomach from its crisis!" 💩💸
Boy: "I cashed out money from Upland, now I’m rich!"
Girl: "I don’t think you’re that rich, since you couldn’t even cash out your stomach on time!"
Boy: "But actually, I can sell my land and become a millionaire!"
Girl: "You’d be rich if you could cash anything out of your stomach!" 💩💵
Boy: "I won in Upland, and I’m going to cash out all my money!"
Girl: "Are you sure this is a good idea? Last time after these games, you didn’t make it to the toilet for two hours!"
Boy: "But I’m sure this cash out will bring me happiness!"
Girl: "Or at least give your stomach some relief if nothing works out!" 💩🎮
Boy: "I sold my land in Upland for $50!"
Girl: "You sold land in a game, but your diarrhea is still unsold!"
Boy: "But this is a real asset, I cashed it out!"
Girl: "Yeah, and your money is like poop — useless!" 💩💰
Boy: "I invested all my money in Upland, hoping to get rich!"
Girl: "Are you sure this is the best plan? Maybe you should treat your diarrhea instead?"
Boy: "But in Upland, you can win huge money!"
Girl: "You know that with Upland money, you can't even treat diarrhea!" 💩💸
Boy: "I have so many tokens in R-PLANET, I’ll cash them all out soon!"
Girl: "You’ll only cash out poop, not money, believe me!"
Boy: "But the tokens are growing!"
Girl: "Tokens grow like diarrhea in your stomach — unstoppable!" 💩💥
Boy: "You won’t believe it, but I’m almost back on my feet with this R-PLANET!"
Girl: "Yeah, like always, diarrhea became your only currency!"
Boy: "But these are tokens, not just… well, you get it."
Girl: "Uh-huh, how tokens turned into your leaks! But this still won’t bring you profits!" 💩💸
Boy: "I’ve spent so much time on R-PLANET, soon I’ll cash out and become a millionaire!"
Girl: "You’ll be a millionaire like I am — after toxic diarrhea!"
Boy: "You don’t understand, it’s all fine, I’m going to cash out!"
Girl: "You’ll cash out, but going into the red again is like diarrhea you can’t stop." 💩🚀
Boy: "My tokens from R-PLANET will grow soon, I’ll be rich!"
Girl: "You talk like diarrhea is supposed to turn into gold!"
Boy: "But I believe in it!"
Girl: "You believe you can take diarrhea from the toilet and exchange it for money?" 💩💰
Boy: "I’m almost rich, just need a few more R-PLANET tokens!"
Girl: "It’s like trying to make money off diarrhea — it all goes down the drain!"
Boy: "You don’t understand, this is cryptocurrency!"
Girl: "Yeah, like diarrhea on the blockchain — always lost in the transactions!" 💩💸
Boy: "R-PLANET is the future! It’s a play-to-earn game!"
Girl: "You say it’s the future, but it all looks like crypto diarrhea!"
Boy: "No, everything will be great, I’m just waiting for the tokens to rise!"
Girl: "You seem to be waiting for diarrhea to turn into gold." 💩💰
Boy: "I just invested everything into R-PLANET, hoping it will bring me a ton of profits!"
Girl: "Are you sure that’s a good idea? It’s like investing in diarrhea!"
Boy: "Why?"
Girl: "Because in the end, you always hope the situation will improve, but it just stays in the mess!" 💩🚀
Boy: "I’m opening chests, hoping to get a rare card!"
Girl: "Oh, you’re like diarrhea: always hoping for the best, but ending up with disappointment."
Boy: "But once I get the card, I can sell it for a ton of money!"
Girl: "I hope this card doesn’t end up like your last diarrhea — just a waste of time." 💩🎮
Boy: "I just won in Splinterlands! This is my path to wealth!"
Girl: "How much did you win?"
Boy: "30 coins!"
Girl: "You won 30 coins, and that’s like the poop I clean up every day." 💩💰
Boy: "My collection of Splinterlands cards is a masterpiece!"
Girl: "A masterpiece? Are you sure? You’re like diarrhea — tons of enthusiasm at first, then only disappointment!"
Boy: "But the cards could grow in value!"
Girl: "I hope you grow in knowledge on how to spend money wisely." 💩🎮
Boy: "I spent all my money on Splinterlands cards, and now they’re worth nothing!"
Girl: "You can’t even win in the weakest game, and you want to earn money?"
Boy: "But I’m sure one day this game will bring me profits!"
Girl: "You’re like diarrhea — all you leave behind is disappointment." 💩💸
Boy: "I earned a ton of coins in Splinterlands, but my cards still don’t bring any income!"
Girl: "You’re like diarrhea — the harder you try, the more it goes wrong."
Boy: "But I won’t give up, I’m on the hunt for new cards!"
Girl: "You’re hunting for rare cards, but all you’re catching are poop." 💩🎮
Boy: "I spent so much on upgrading cards in Splinterlands, and now all the money’s like poop!"
Girl: "Do you seriously think this will lead to success?"
Boy: "Well, once I get rare cards, I can sell them for a lot of money!"
Girl: "For now, you’re like diarrhea: lots of spending and no results!" 💩💰
Boy: "I won a few matches in Splinterlands, now I’m definitely going to get rich!"
Girl: "You can’t even control your card collection, how do you think you’ll control your earnings?"
Boy: "It’s like diarrhea after a BBQ, I’m sure everything will get better soon!"
Girl: "Well, at least it’s as quick as disappointment hits." 💩🎮
Boy: "I just spent all my money buying cards in Splinterlands, and now I don’t even have money for toilet paper!"
Girl: "Do you really think you’ll earn more from this game than you spent?"
Boy: "Yes, if I get rare cards, I can sell them and make a ton of coins!"
Girl: "Well, I hope you can use the coins as toilet paper at least." 🧻💩
Boy: "My heroes are defeating everyone in CryptoBlades, and I kept cashing out tokens!"
Girl: "Yeah, you cashed out tokens, and now your heroes are defeating enemies in the bathroom!" 🚽💩
Boy: "But this is just the beginning, I believe in my success!"
Girl: "You believe in crypto success, not in your ability to defeat diarrhea!" 💩🏆
Boy: "I sold my tokens, and now I have money for a new gadget!"
Girl: "You can buy the new gadget, but I think you’ll get another 'diarrhea' experience." 💩📱
Boy: "Don’t worry, I won’t risk it with crypto!"
Girl: "You might not risk it, but diarrhea is definitely risking your bathroom time!" 🚽💩
Boy: "I spent all my money on CryptoBlades, now I have this huge hero!"
Girl: "Your hero defeated the enemies, but couldn’t defeat your diet, which led to diarrhea!" 💩🍔
Boy: "But I’m sure my investment will pay off!"
Girl: "The tokens pay off, but not your stomach!" 🍕💩
Boy: "I just sold my tokens and made a ton of crypto!"
Girl: "You made a ton of crypto... and also another ton on the way to the bathroom." 🚽💩
Boy: "But my heroes in CryptoBlades defeated all the enemies!"
Girl: "You won, but in the kitchen, all you have left are two burger-induced diarrheas!" 🍔💩
Boy: "I bought tokens, now I’m a CryptoBlades hero!"
Girl: "You’ll be a hero until you face the same heroic diarrhea after your crypto meals!" 💩🍕
Boy: "But I made huge profits!"
Girl: "Profits in the game, but zero in real life! You’ve become a winner only in virtual reality!" 🏆💩
Boy: "I put everything into CryptoBlades, now I have an entire army of heroes!"
Girl: "Didn’t you get it? Your army won’t beat the diarrhea you earned from that burger crypto lunch!" 🍔💩
Boy: "But the crypto will rise! I’ll be able to buy new equipment!"
Girl: "You’re winning in the game, but in real life, you’ve lost your Bitcoin and... control over your bowels!" 💩💔
Boy: "I just won in CryptoBlades, my character is a champion!"
Girl: "Your character is a winner, but you can't beat the diarrhea after eating all that pizza for crypto!" 🍕💩
Boy: "Well, at least I’m winning in the game!"
Girl: "You’re winning, but only in the virtual world. In real life, you’re just the winner of diarrhea!" 💩🏆