Catizen Jokes - Page 1

Diarrhea and an airdrop in Catizen

Boy: "I just got an airdrop of tokens for my cats!"

Girl: "Are you sure your cats will be happy with these tokens? Because it looks like they’ll get diarrhea instead!"

Boy: "Why?"

Girl: "Because an airdrop in Catizen is like new food for the cats, and in the end, they’ll all end up in the toilet!" 💩💸

Diarrhea and a break in Catizen

Boy: "I finally completed a big quest with the cats in Catizen!"

Girl: "Congrats, but it looks like now your cats are taking a break… in the toilet!"

Boy: "How’s that?"

Girl: "You completed the quest, and they completed their journey straight to the toilet!" 💩🚽

How cats solve problems in Catizen

Boy: "I built an entire empire for my cats in Catizen!"

Girl: "You built an empire? But remember, your cats can create not only an empire but also… diarrhea!"

Boy: "Don’t worry, I have everything for their happiness!"

Girl: "You give them happiness, and they give you diarrhea! That’s their empire!" 💩👑

How cats got too naughty in Catizen

Boy: "My cats became too active in Catizen!"

Girl: "Well, that’s all we needed — soon they’ll be following only one path — straight to your bathroom with diarrhea!"

Boy: "Seriously?"

Girl: "Absolutely! In Catizen, they can be superheroes, but their poop is out of control!" 💩🦸‍♂️🐱

When the cats get too excited in Catizen

Boy: "I leveled up my cats to max level!"

Girl: "Congratulations! Just don’t forget to put them on a diet, or soon they’ll be spreading poop around the house instead of toys!"

Boy: "Really?"

Girl: "You’re leveling them up to the max, and they’ll level up their diarrhea skills!" 💩🎮

Diarrhea in Catizen: a cat nightmare

Boy: "Now my cats can travel all over the world in Catizen!"

Girl: "Maybe they can, but as soon as they eat something wrong, they’ll turn into diarrhea travelers!"

Boy: "What do you mean?"

Girl: "Well, you know how it goes: first, joy, then... diarrhea all over the world!" 💩🌍

Poop in Catizen: emergency!

Boy: "I built a house for my cat in Catizen!"

Girl: "Are you sure there won’t be poop in that house? Remember, Catizen isn’t just a game, it’s an epic tale of cats and their diarrhea!"

Boy: "But they’re not real cats!"

Girl: "No excuses! Even virtual cats leave their mark — not only in the house but also on the virtual lawns!" 💩🏠

Catizen and diarrhea in one cat

Boy: "My cat in Catizen is amazing! He’s now the ruler of all the lawns!"

Girl: "And the ruler of diarrhea too! Look at his tummy — that’s not a cat, that’s a toilet on paws!"

Boy: "Seriously?"

Girl: "Yep! In Catizen, all cats start with good food and end with... diarrhea!" 💩🐱

Poop and Catizen

Boy: "I leveled up my cat to level 10 in Catizen!"

Girl: "To level 10? What if your cat eats so much that it also gets diarrhea?"

Boy: "He’s not a real cat!"

Girl: "Doesn’t matter. In Catizen, there’s always room for diarrhea, so get ready for cats leaving poop everywhere!" 💩🐱

Diarrhea in the world of Catizen

Boy: "I just won a new set for my cat in Catizen!"

Girl: "A new set? Well, I hope your cat doesn’t get diarrhea from all that food!"

Boy: "Don’t worry, it’s all good for him!"

Girl: "Are you sure? Because as soon as the cats start eating, diarrhea’s coming, just like always in Catizen!" 💩🐱

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world airdrop diarrhea cat get break problems one poop catizen
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