Because they hide all the details, but you still find them fast! 🚀
By scaling up without losing their balance!
Their rigs turn into home heaters for free. 🔥
Because it’s mining stars instead of coins now! ✨
Nope, just growing Ethereum! 💻
Because it’s the only time their rigs don’t double as saunas!
Day 1: Found a tweet saying, “This coin will 100x! 🚀.” Bought $100 worth. Feeling like a genius.
Day 2: The same account tweets, “Oops, sold too soon.” Coin is down 50%.
Day 3: Another influencer says, “Diamond hands 💎🤲, don’t sell!” HODL mode activated.
Day 7: Coin is now worth $20. Decided to sell, but gas fees are $25.
Day 10: Saw a tweet, “The dip is your chance to buy!” Spent the remaining $20.
Day 30: My $100 investment has turned into a $5 meme NFT. But hey, I’m part of the community now!
My strongest monster was taken out by a chicken. Never underestimate poultry.
Boy: "I bought tons of land in Upland, now I’ll be rich!"
Girl: "Are you sure you’re rich? To me, your land looks more like poop than assets!"
Boy: "You don’t get it, these are virtual assets!"
Girl: "So you’re not afraid they’ll bring you the same problems as diarrhea?" 💩💻
Boy: "I just won a bunch of tokens in CryptoBlades, now we’re definitely rich!"
Girl: "You’re getting rich, but all I see is your path to the bathroom!" 🚽💩
Boy: "But the crypto is rising, I told you!"
Girl: "The crypto is rising, but your luck is going straight down the toilet!" 💩📉
Boy: "I finally cashed out tokens from Axie Infinity! I’m one step closer to a million!"
Girl: "Are you sure? Usually, it’s like diarrhea: everything starts fine, but at some point, it all spirals out of control."
Boy: "But I cashed out, so everything’s going to be fine!"
Girl: "You only cashed out... your dreams." 💩💭
Crypto drop is like getting punched in the gut.
You didn’t see it coming, and now you’re just trying to catch your breath.